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Welcome to the XGenius Precision Machining website. Here you can find relative information about our services, prices, contact details, and others. If you continue to use our website you agree to the following terms and conditions. The terms are accepted as they are without any additional conditions. We also reserve the right to change them at any time at our sole discretion, without prior notice. These terms are final and cannot be discussed.

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All texts, images, videos and other content published on this website are the property of B&K Precision Machining and are protected by copyright if otherwise not stated. It is forbidden to copy or use our content without writing permission from B&K Precision Machining.

All our logos and trademarks that are used on this website belong to its owners.


This website may contain hyperlinks to other sites. XGenius does not take any responsibility for the content on these sites.


We make no representations or warranties concerning this website or its content. All content is submitted on an “as is” basis.

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