Loans to study, for purchases, for vacation have become part of our life. As well as the request for a “interest -free loan”, addressed to friends or relatives. But some cannot start debts and turn their life into an alarming expectation of new demands. Why? And how to avoid this?
More than half of the working population of Russia (about 45 million) pays loans. According to the United Credit Bureau, each sixth debtor cannot cope with payments. Interestingly, the results of the surveys diverge from this reality: in case of need for money, 64% of Russians intend to turn to relatives and only 32% – to the bank. Another 13% plan to sell personal property, this last debts do not threaten.
But, probably, each of us is familiar with the debtor or he himself visited this role. In such a situation, some are responsible for their obligations, others “twist the carousel” – take in one place to return in another, until they stop giving them. And then – a breakdown of relations, the fight against collectors, judicial prohibitions … How it turns out that some do not calculate their capabilities?
Faith in a miracle
“Everyone has a basic illusion that the world is safe, we simply could not exist without it,” says Gestalt therapist Nadezhda Rumanova. – After all, then we would have to remember every minute about the dangers that are in wait for us everywhere, that we are vulnerable and ultimately mortal. It is impossible to live with such a psychological background. Therefore, we believe that in general everything is in order in the world. And even if it is difficult, we will find a way to get out of it. “.
In general, this idea supports optimism, does not give up. But sometimes because of her, we act at random and do not calculate the risks that should be calculated.
“We believe in a miracle, and this faith does not arise from scratch,” adds the clinical psychotherapist Sergey Medvedev. – Miracles happen, large or small, each in life had happy findings or unexpected good luck. And also remember fairy tales: Ivan-Durak receives the royal daughter in his wife, all the desires of Emeli are fulfilled by pike.
He wanted and received, not as a result
of his efforts (sometimes even contrary to them), but thanks to luck and wonderful assistants. And simply because “a person is good” – and deep down, we all consider ourselves just that. This children’s part stays with us and when we become adults. Sometimes she wakes up and can push to rash acts.